Something Wicked This Way Comes?

Sometimes a man just wants a nice steaming bowl of bean soup. Most bean soups would be classified as puree soups as opposed to cream soups. To create and have before you the perfect hearty bean soup requires acute attention to detail, adherence to a well-defined process and the highest respect for the inherent value of the ingredients being used. High art cannot be rushed. When the time at last arrives to puree the bean soup a man faces the important decision of how to accomplish the task. Like in many of life’s most important endeavors, he must select the right tool for the job. This is an immersion blender and in my world is the tool of choice for the perfectly pureed bean soup.
An awesome machine!

Events on the national front have unfolded this week at such a rapid pace and in such a confounding manner that I feel like someone opened up the back of my head, inserted an immersion blender and turned my brains into puree soup. Just as I begin to mentally process one event, another takes its place, also requiring deep thought, and it seems to go on and on and on. How is an old Tennessee boy supposed to keep up? Here are just the ones I can remember from the past week.

  • 45 brings in another Wall Street guy named Anthony Scaramucci to be  Communications Director. It appears this guy is as subtle as a longshoreman.
  • Military policy made by tweet at 6:08 AM. And OH! By the way, no need to clue in the Joint Chiefs.
  • Don Jr. and Paul Manafort continue to negotiate their appearance before Congressional Committees. I wonder if they wanted to talk to me if I would get to negotiate?
  • 45 gives a speech at the National Boy Scout Jamboree. First rule of speech giving: know your audience. Boy Scouts issue not one but two apologies.
  • 45 continues his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Never thought it possible I could feel sorry for ole Jeff.
  • John McCain returns to Senate and delivers a brilliant dressing down of the Senate. Finally an adult in the room.
  • Scaramucci give a profanity laced interview on record to the New Yorker describing the mental illness of White House Chief of Staff (kinda an important job), Reince Priebus and the White House contortionist Steve Bannon’s ability to pleasure himself; something about draining the swamp? What say you, evangelicals?
  • After seven years of lamenting the monstrosity of Obamacare and vowing how it easy it will be to repeal and replace with something much better, guess what, the Republicans got absolutely nothing
  • Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke contacts Alaska Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, I’m sure at the request of 45, to threaten the entire state of Alaska because of Murkowski’s vote on the health care bill.

How do you like living on Bizarre-O World? Any one of these developments would make great fodder for this space but when you put them all together and consider all this happened in one week, it truly boggles the mind.

We have come to place in this country where the President issues an order to the United States Military with absolutely no consultation, no discussion, no warning and does it at 6:00AM on Twitter. The rationale for barring transgender people from serving is the high cost of their medical needs and the disruption that would cause.

As a result of this order we now know that the military spends $46 million dollars a year on Viagra. Really. Why do I need to know this? Welcome to your new home on Bizarre-O World.

We have a senior White House official on his second day on the payroll dropping F bombs all over the place, discussing offensive sex acts, and threating his co-workers. Best I can tell he has the full support of 45. Safe to say Scaramucci was no Boy Scout. Wonder how the view is from that gutter he is living in? We hope you enjoy the next 3 1/2 years here on Bizarre-O World.

When the national office of the Boy Scouts of America feels the need to apologize for inviting the President of the United States of America to speak at is biggest event, you must admit no matter if you are left or right that we have a problem. The President should be able to attend this event and speak to children without offending anyone. It’s the F…. ing Boy Scouts! (wanted to emulate the Mooch). The weather is fine here on Bizarre-O World.

As Gomer used to say “Surprise, Surprise.” The health care bill or whatever that was supposed to be failed in the Senate. We already knew that Maine Senator SusanCollins and Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski were going to vote no. John McCain joined these two brave women to cast the vote that doomed this ill-conceived and poorly executed piece of legislation. Real leadership is threatening those that disagree with you. “Don’t make me send the Mooch up there.” Enjoy the scenery here on Bizarre-O World.

Earlier in the week Senator McCain spoke on the Senate floor. He did something politicians rarely do anymore, he spoke from the heart and he showed the world why he is an American hero, an American statesman and a man of honor. A man in a way 45 never has been and never will be. Here is some of what Mr. McCain said on the Senate floor.

…”Our deliberations today… can be sincere and principled. But they are more partisan, more tribal more of the time than any other time I remember. Our deliberations can still be important and useful, but I think we’d all agree they haven’t been overburdened by greatness lately. And right now they aren’t producing much for the American people….

…”Considering the injustice and cruelties inflicted by autocratic governments, and how corruptible human nature can be, the problem solving our system does make possible, the fitful progress it produces, and the liberty and justice it preserves, is a magnificent achievement…

…”Let’s trust each other. Let’s return to regular order. We’ve been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle. That’s an approach that’s been employed by both sides, mandating legislation from the top down, without any support from the other side, with all the parliamentary maneuvers that requires. We’re getting nothing done….”

…”What greater cause could we hope to serve than helping keep America the strong, aspiring, inspirational beacon of liberty and defender of the dignity of all human beings and their right to freedom and equal justice? That is the cause that binds us and is so much more powerful and worthy than the small differences that divide us…”

Here is a link to the entire transcript and I sincerely hope you will take a minute to read it and understand what it takes to duly and truly make America great.

I just have to ask if anyone on either side believes 45 could deliver such a speech and deliver it with the heartfelt sincerity Senator McCain displayed?

When we have more people of honor like Senator McCain, we will need fewer gutter dwellers like Scaramucci. I hope not just the Senate, but all politicians, at all levels of Government will hear and heed these words. There is much in them for all of us to ponder and reflect on. And their truth cannot be denied. Thank You Mr. McCain!

Welcome back to Earth, hope you get to stay a while, time will tell. How about a bowl of bean soup while you wait? Oh, yeah!

Love to All!

As I was getting ready to post this, the news broke that the gutter dweller gets his way and Reince Priebus is out. General John Kelly is to take his place as the new Chief of Staff and my guess and my hope is that Goodfella Mooch better watch his language around the good General.

One more thing: Check out my new favorite pod cast on iTunes – Pancake’s House – this week featuring Lonesome Laredo