No More BS

When you look at photos from the right-wing mob attack on the hallowed Capitol Building of the United States of America, perhaps you notice like I do, the huge number of flags being carried by Yahoo Nation. Here is a random sample that I think is representative. Very glad to see the NRA was well represented at the coup attempt. Did the price of the AR15 come down after the corporate tax rates were cut? Anyway, I’m not sure who is wanting to “come and take it.” Any politician that now days even says the word gun is doomed, just ask Beto O’Rourke.

I’ll bet the guy on the right with the red stocking cap was beyond incensed when Colin Kaepernick didn’t stand for the National Anthem. If you don’t stand for the anthem you are disrespecting my country. America love it or leave it. He seems fine however with actually defacing an American flag. Very offensive. No true patriot would ever disrespect the ultimate symbol of American manifest destiny by putting letters on it. America love it or leave it!  Hey red cap, maybe you can hitch a ride with Colin.

In picture after picture the flag you see the most, is by far, the flag with the President’s name on it. They were popular four years ago and their attraction has only increased since that time. The main difference I notice from four years ago is that many of the new models contain profanity. Had I noticed the flag that said “no more bullshit” before the election I might have changed my vote. You have to admit it is a very persuasive slogan. Sorta like “It’s the real thing” or “built Ford tough” or my all time favorite, “plop, plop, fizz, fizz.” 

I am still really trying to wrap my head around the idea of hundreds of thugs from Knucklehead County USA carrying flags that say no more bullshit, storming the United States Capitol while Congress is meeting in joint session. If there is a better definition of bullshit, I don’t know what it would be. 

What conclusions can we draw from the fact that at this particular riot, bullshit flags vastly outnumbered American flags. I think a consensus is developing outside Crackpot County that all this “take our country back” bullshit has less to do with America and her policies and has evolved into a cult of personality, bent on violence to protect their “Great Leader.”

How could it be anything else? For the first time that I can remember, the Republican Party conducted the 2020 election without putting forth a platform. What was the second term agenda? What were the grand designs for making America great? What about fiscal responsibility? Instead of tax and spend that they used to complain so much about, now their strategy is cut taxes and spend. Record deficits are the norm. 

They’re trying to steal your country, liberals are evil, immigrants will eat your babies are not policy positions that advance our country, but they are effective bullshit to convince people that they should be afraid, and from what we witnessed yesterday they have been a huge success. Those people are obviously very afraid.

Cult leaders always share certain characteristics. First and foremost, they know how to size people up and seem to know instinctively how to push the right buttons. Cult leaders constantly remind us of their special place in the world and their unique ability to solve our problems. Cult leaders can be charming and appear loving, but are also quick to anger and rage; it is a technique they use to keep those around them off balance. Anger and rage are also tools that they use to reject any challenge to their authority or position. And above all, never admit that you are wrong or that any reality exists other than the one you define. Cult leaders are masters of bullshit.

No. This was not a political rally, there were no demands for policy changes, this was not a fight for freedom, no seeking of justice here. This was nothing but a violent denial of the truth, propagated by a cult leader who knows very well what the truth is, but demands his followers protect him from his own failure. His failure is their failure.

Southern Democrats refused to accept the results of the 1860 election and so they seceded from the Union. The Civil War began in April 1861 and in May of that year President Lincoln said:

“We must settle this question now — whether in a free government the minority have the right to break it up whenever they choose. If we fail, it will go far to prove the incapability of the people to govern themselves.”

Yesterday the Boneheads from the Borough of Bullshit tried to break up our government. Thankfully they failed.

Scholars, historians, psychiatrists, and political scientists will be studying this four-year American experiment in cultism for decades. There is a wealth of material left in the wake of this disaster but hopefully the influence of this cult leader will fade quickly and we can at last strive to live in a country with no more bullshit! Or at least no more no more bullshit flags. We should at least try.

I’m exhausted by all this political bullshit. I think I’ll do a cooking blog or a blog about bunnies or butterflies. Perhaps I can write about lambs, they are cute and delicious. No bullshit in well-cooked lamb.

Titan Up!

R. I. P. T. N. L. J. 8119

2 thoughts on “No More BS”

  1. Couldn’t have said it better myself! Let us truly hope for “no more bullshit” going forward. Also, I would subscribe to that hypothetical cooking blog.

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